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Compliance Advisory and Services by IP Wise Solutions

IP Wise Solutions offers compliance advisory and services to make sure your business is compliant with the legal provisions. Our UAE compliance advisors are here to help you address and contain all sorts of business risks in Dubai and the rest of the UAE region. Our firm is qualified to provide the required professional service whether in regulatory risk management or advice on corporate governance. 

What is a Compliance Advisory? 

Compliance advisory is the process of advising companies on the legal requirements and the acceptable code of conduct that apply to companies in the companies’ respective sectors. We know well that compliance is not about obeying certain standards. It is about creating an ethical environment. Our UAE compliance advisors guarantee your firm’s legal compliance. It saves you from fines, builds the company’s reputation, and increases stakeholder confidence. 

Our Compliance Services 

Regulatory Risk Management in Dubai

The management of regulatory risks is very important to organizations operating in the Dubai environment. Our team assists you in dealing with legal requirements that apply in your area of operation so that you will not be on the wrong side of the law. We offer comprehensive regulatory risk management in Dubai to reduce the legal risks that may cause problems for your business. 

Corporate Governance Advisory in the UAE

Corporate governance advisory in the UAE is important in shaping the business. Organizational compliance services help you develop sound governance systems so that your enterprise is run with integrity. We support board assessment, governance review, and the formation of governance frameworks.  

Draft and Review the Company’s Internal Policies, Procedures, and Reporting in Dubai

There are several significant anti-money laundering measures on internal policies and procedures. At this stage, the team at IP Wise Solutions assists you in developing and reviewing internal policies, standard operating procedures, and reporting. We make sure that your business processes run as per the set laws to minimize cases of legal violation.  

Compliance Remediation Advisory in the UAE

If you are in a particular legal problem in compliance with the law, our compliance remediation advisory in the UAE will assist you. We establish compliance gaps, create compliance remedial measures, and address compliance issues to restore your business to compliance. Moreover, we want to assist you in preventing fines and legal sanctions as well as damage to your enterprise’s reputation.

Data Protection Advisory in Dubai

Compliance issues are another factor that needs to be considered, and this is about Data Protection in the context of technological advancement. With the provision of data protection advisory in Dubai, you shall be in a good position to protect sensitive information. It will keep your business compliant with the laws on data protection in Dubai. We provide advice on data protection measures such as data policy, data incident management, and staff awareness. 

Identify, Manage, and Mitigate Business Risks in Dubai

It is important to learn and assess business risks for the continued growth of the businesses. We offer risk management services that assist clients to minimize and tackle business risks in Dubai. We can identify and evaluate risks that your business can be exposed to, come up with measures to counter the potential dangers, and put in place safety measures to mitigate the risks.

DIFC and ADGM Compliance Advisory

Companies based or operating in the DIFC or ADGM will have certain regulatory expectations imposed upon them. They incorporate the rules governing such freed financial areas and offer professional DIFC and ADGM compliance advisory. Our service helps you confirm your company’s compliance with all these requirements so that it runs smoothly in the said jurisdictions.  

Business and Commercial Due Diligence in the UAE

Business people should exercise a considerable amount of caution whenever they are entering into any business-related transactions. Our business and commercial due diligence in the UAE allows you to make accurate and speedy decisions in connection with your business counterparties, deals, and investments. Furthermore, we analyze all possible threats that might be a concern for your business and offer suggestions to avoid such risks.  

Compliance with the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Regulations of the UAE

UBO stands for Ultimate Beneficial Owner. It is a regulation that businesses should report to the UBO. We make sure that your business adheres to these regulations and avoid penalties or lack of transparency as the case may be. In this connection, we support the UBO about registration, documentation, and reporting.  

Economic Substance Regulation Advisory in Dubai

Furthermore, this has been established through the Economic Substance Regulation (ESR) that applies required sectors in the UAE to demonstrate economic substance. Economic substance regulation advisory in Dubai assists you in grasping and implementing these regulations and other similar ones. We carry out initial evaluations, formulation of compliance plans and help with ESR reporting so that your business complies.  

Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Advisory in the UAE

The UAE has put in place measures that minimize the funding of terrorism. When it comes to the advisory services on CFT, we assist you in the compliance of your business with the local and international policies on anti-terrorism financing. You will need our services to help with risk evaluations, creating rules to prevent economic fraud, and training your workers too.  

Wages Protection System (WPS) Compliance Advisory

The Wages Protection System or WPS is one of the important compliance measures that have to be undertaken by the companies operating in the UAE. Wages Protection System (WPS) compliance advisory informs you about the laws of WPS. It helps your organization pay your employees on time according to UAE labor laws. We assist with registration on WPS and Payroll, as well as the generation of reports. 

Why You Choose IP Wise Solutions for Compliance Advisory and Services? 

Our team of professionals has considerable understanding of the laws in the local and global setting. Our compliance advisory and services are fully customized to match the needs of your business so that you do not breach any laws of the UAE. 

By choosing IP Wise Solutions, you gain access to:

Experienced UAE Compliance Advisors: Our team has vast knowledge of the legal structure of the UAE so we can advise you according to the requirements of your enterprise. 

Comprehensive Services: Including the compliance services we offer ranging from corporate governance advisory, data protection, and due diligence. 

Customized Solutions: We are in a position to understand that every business is different and our services are adjusted to your needs.  

Round The Clock Availability: Furthermore, we are available all day and night. Reach us any time. Our support team will make an instant response to you. 

Get in touch with us via email at or by phone call at +971 547311808.


Commonly Asked Questions


How do advisory services assist in regulatory compliance?

Advisory services help in regulatory compliance by providing expert guidance, risk assessments, and personalized strategies. They ensure that businesses adhere to industry regulations and avoid legal penalties.

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